light language spiritual life coaching spiritual business coaching






You’re done holding back like a caged lion.

You wonder what you’re truly made of.


– what you’re here on this planet and the world to create.

– and how you can do it all while being in integrity

– in sync with your higher self and your soul mission in the process. 


You had the thought… I can do better… I want more from life…



The only thing is, you can get in your way about it.

That’s why you’re here looking for dynamic accountability to hold you to your best, perhaps even exceeding your own idea of your “standards”.

That’s why you’re here reading this page. There are no coincidences, This is your sign to lean in & step forward. Regardless of whether we work together, embracing your fullest version of yourself is your next step.


This is your sign that its not only okay for you to want more from yourself —its required of you.


It’s part of your soul purpose, your living existence to become your absolute best,

no holds back personality and soul expression.


You are here to be your most extraordinary creative soul expression.

You’re here to inspire others to do the same through your example. 


(with Emelina)

It’s life coaching and/or business & marketing coaching with a spiritual-first approach. 

As a psychic medium, I’ll channel your highest spirit guides & source to intuitively interpret your metaphysical energetic programming. Together we’ll identify your beliefs, lingering emotional patterns, energetic patterns, expectations, behaviors and conditions that create the root of your actions— and thereby your physical experiences & real world results. 

It’s a combination of spiritual metaphysical coaching (intuitive reading & psychic development), life coaching, and business coaching, digital marketing coaching (for those in business). It’s about reprogramming your energetic reality, bringing conscious awareness to unconscious behaviors and improving your physical reality by anchoring new empowering habits, actions & results.

hgih performance coach spiritual business life los angeles california high performance coach near me life coach spiritual coach


You can be highly successful, rich, happy, healthy, hot as f*ck,

creative, loved, sexually expressed, spiritually guided & fulfilled.


Anything less is purely limitation and a lack of self belief.

I believe in high performance and activating it within everyone that works with me.

We’ll tackle it from a “spiritually first” approach.

emelina calder spiritual life coach akashic records coach los angeles

Here’s the reality…


You are totally capable of living your BEST life:

Your highest potential, your most

progressive version of yourself. 


All while…

Enjoying yourself.

Experiencing the complete best of love, family, career, creative expression, sex, money, spirituality, and extraordinary ambition.


You get to have it all, do it all, experience it all.



It’s okay to want more.

To want to become more, achieve your highest potential

in every area of your life.



You’ve had your crew of accomplishments right alongside devastating challenges that you rose above.

You know what it takes to strive, overcome the odds, keep a positive mental attitude and achieve results. 


But sometimes… you get in your way.

We all have blindspots. 


You’re looking to navigate & claim your strengths with grace, overcome your weaknesses & pivot them into extraordinary advantages.


Yes, you heard me right. I’ll say it a little louder for those in the back.


Your perceived “flaws” are actually wildly advantageous. 

Together, we’ll work it through to find out how you can harness ALL OF YOU.

Not just the pretty, societally acceptable parts that you were conditioned to flaunt because they make you look good. 


Your soul did not mis-step creating your dynamic creative expression.

Your challenges and your ability to overcome them are hand in hand in embracing all of you.

Some serious self love and self acceptance baby!

You desire to be held to your best standards with total consistency.

No dips. No fall backs.


No more ego-simulated drama and b*ll sh*t that keeps you from rising to your best and maintaining it.

You want to guarantee your best results for yourself.


Because… you deserve the best, and you know it.

You’ve mastered human accomplishment to a degree,

but you want more.


You want to achieve alongside a deep inner knowing that you’re accomplishing from the place of integrity.

Always doing right by yourself and others.


Alongside the big G-O-D (Source, Universe, Infinite Spirit —any other name you prefer). I work hand-in-hand with the creator of the multiverse (who is a feminine entity by the way!) She’ll work with us alongside your Akashic Records, higher self and honorable guides.


We’ll focus on both guiding you to align with source consciousness while also teaching you to guide yourself into perfect Universal alignment as we work together.

This guidance will look like developing your psychic talents and gifts.


From understanding body intelligence and how the body speaks psychically to cosmic guidance, channeling your own higher guides, source, receiving accurate divine messages, side-stepping ego interference, and learning how to trust the guidance that is given with discernment (knowing that it is your channeling ability and not “made up” or interference from other energies).


It’s all about Divine will hand-in-hand with your human free will. 

To Activate and Step into your full potential in your life and business. 


Not to mention, you want to do it all alongside someone that will hold you accountable to your best, celebrate you, cheer you on, and call you out where you most need it!


(pssst. that’s me! I’m Emelina. I’ll introduce myself…)


Hi! I am Stormie.

Aka. Emelina

I’m a digital marketing, personal branding & Instagram expert seen in the New York Times— turned spiritual high performance coach. I help people activate their highest potential and transform into the highest version of themselves through expanding consciousness, healing trauma, and reprogramming their beliefs into alignment with who they desire to become. I tackle spiritual high performance from the place of both life coaching, as well as business, personal branding & digital marketing coaching.


I’m dedicated to helping people completely change their lives. To step into who they truly are at their core and embrace their authentic dynamite expression. To become who they always were underneath all the old paradigms, programs and conditioning. To ignite their soul-led purpose, inner genius and effortless soul-led creative expression. All while being “productive”, powerful, in service and building a business and life of their dreams.


If a CEO and a powerful psychic medium had a baby… that would be me. I’m the blend of spiritual and practical. The bridge between the two seemingly different polarities.


I found my greatest accomplishments were in my dedication to complete mastery. Not just sacrificing one are of my life for another. I’ve had complete dedication to transforming every area of my life, alongside dedicated intuitive psychic channeling as a medium using spiritual guidance as my main tool.


Through spiritual development, I’ve healed myself of deep-rooted trauma: childhood and adult domestic violence, sexual abuse, assault, homelessness, deep depression, extreme poverty, codependent soul depleting relationships, deep career challenges, lost purpose, chronic anxiety, PTSD, etc. Although each transition was increasingly more challenging, I learned to develop complete grace and poise along the way.


Facing extraordinary challenge is never easy. What’s required is discovering the inherent solutions that come alongside every deep challenge. This is done through discovering who you are in your most natural state in the process that makes navigating challenge manageable and even effortless. 


Everything I do is on behalf of the highest good of all involved, in balance with the force of life, and in respect to the free will laws of this Universe.


My reading provided guidance on how to explore the energy fields I was connecting to through my daily meditation practice. The downloads can be overwhelming and confusing but Emelina provided a framework in which to safely explore what the universe was sharing with me. So amazing and just so grateful to have been able to tap into her gift. Look forward to connecting with her again in the future…thank you! 

– Kim W. 



You’re over the struggle and self sacrifice. You’re ready to captivate your absolute highest potential, unlock your inner soul-led genius and feel totally, completely fulfilled in the process.


We’ll work together to bring out your *absolute best*— I guarantee it.

emelina calder spiritual life coach akashic records coach los angeles

Spiritual High Performance


The world of business and marketing is cutthroat and full of limiting beliefs built in scarcity. Rather than work within the limitations, we’ll breakthrough and expand using spiritual and quantum work to discover our way through business and marketing solutions.


We’ll navigate digital marketing practices, and practice business mastery bringing conscious awareness to an unconscious paradigm. We’ll design your business & marketing to meet your unique energetic & physical needs as a business owner, and deliver from a place of leadership and service for the highest good of all. We can also navigate the energetics of your business and align your business with your goals from an energetic quantum place within your business’ Akashic Records.

Spiritual High Performance


You can have it all, you want it all and you’re ready to bring out your absolute best. You’re done holding back like a caged lion. You wonder what it is you’re truly made of and what you’re here on this planet to create and how you can do it all while being in sync with your highest self and your soul mission in the process. You want to be part of the 1% of people that has it all. You want to live your best f*cking life— with passion, purpose, love, fulfillment, happiness and abundance.


We’ll work together to uncover where you are now and where you desire to go. We’ll discover your soul-led mission and purpose, unveil your inner genius and clear, heal and recondition anything that stands in the way of your greatest expression. We’ll set the stage for major personal transformation into the person you were always meant to become.

We can work together to transform your life,

your business— or both.


We’ll identify where you are now, what you desire to create and who you want to become in the near future,

and we’ll work to close that gap.


To understand what’s keeping you from your potential, and move forward to create new conditions, habits, and beliefs to support your exponential growth.





Your business is an extension of yourself,

your energy your expression and your expectations.



Your business can transform rapidly based on your personal spiritual direction, healing, creating a shift in consciousness in perception. Especially paired with the right actions in marketing and promotion to move yourself forward towards your goals.


When we work on you and how you perceive how people treat you, work with you, how you promote yourself and your inherent beliefs and expectations about being seen publicly—everything can shift, click into place creating a business that completely supports you in every way and gains wildly positive results because of your shift.


We can access the energetics of your business entity, your business Akashic Records— as well and restructure, heal and route the energy together to support your forward movement and desired physical + practical results.

you’re ready to transform into

the next-level you.

Spiritual high performance coaching addresses

all levels of the human experience. We don’t just focus on energetics, and we don’t just focus on physicality.


We do it all. 


The culmination of our sessions will address many aspects of the human experience including: 


• Providing mental clarity around complex topics to give a jump in mental understanding and consciousness (think… immediate understanding & inner knowing).

• Emotional healing, befriending & healing your shadow, and radical self acceptance. 

• Spiritual and psychic development and practice, transmissions and light downloads. 

• Physical integration practices — whether yogic, breathing, writing, working on your business, your career, reorganizing your schedule, prioritizing your life ,leaving toxic relationships… all the physical stuff. 

• Everything relationships… starting with your relationship with yourself first, then the relationships with all those you love, those you don’t, and relationships with concepts that we all deal with: money, love, security, spirituality, guidance, self trust, and more. 

• If you’re running a business and personal brand, coaching will also include business, personal branding, and marketing practices & strategies to implement and follow through on.

Topics and training we may cover through the duration of our time together according to your needs…

Spiritual High Performance


• Thought leadership — discovering your core inner zone of genius & unpacking it, sharing it, and teaching to develop thought leadership

• Diplomacy – being the balance, never compromising your values and meeting everyones needs simultaneously.

• Restructuring offers and services to work less, increase bottomline profit and serve your clients more deeply.

• Implementing automation practices and step-and-repeat systems digitally to support you in your business marketing & operations with less of your consistent direct effort.

• Effortless social media marketing that works for you rather than you slaving away to keep up with the millennial’s version of “The Joneses”. The metaphorical white picket fence has been replaced with daily Instagram & tiktok posts.

• Digital marketing funnels that build your business, your brand, deeply serve your audience and don’t cater to any traditional persuasion tactics, but come from a place of deep sacred service.

• Direct sales copywriting from the place of accessing your inner deep authenticity. Speak from your core, from your truth and become wildly magnetic in the process. 

• Developing social proof and strategies to grow your following fast on Instagram, Facebook & Youtube.

• Personal branding keys, strategies and tactics I’ve used to help multiple 6, 7, 8 & 9 figure personal brands grow exponentially.

• Website and sales page conversion strategies (my strategies often convert at ridiculously high percentages— 40-80%).

• Discover how to build trust with your audience to generate awareness and sales from a place of deep sincerity and authenticity.

• Facebook, Youtube & Instagram Advertising in a way that reaches out to the people that need you the most and have no idea how to find you. 

• Video-first evergreen, educational marketing strategy to serve your audience in an extraordinarily accessible way they didn’t even know they needed.

• Sales training, what your potential clients need to know to purchase from you, and how you can automate most of the process, kick out discovery calls and any extraneous effort-filled sales tactics.

• Strategies to magnetize top press & publicity, pitching yourself and gaining both recognition and backlinks from top publications we all know and love.

• & More…

Spiritual High Performance


• Energy creation, power and management. Working on your comprehensive understanding of what creates energy and what minimizes or destroys it for you.

• Soul purpose and soul mission. What you’re here to do, and how to get in alignment with it to bring yourself into creative expression and fulfillment.

• Romantic dynamics, calling in a perfect aligned lover and developing healthy relationships, boundaries, having your needs met effortlessly and understanding love. 

• Working through family dynamics, soul contracts, rewriting soul contracts, karmic contracts and agreements, resolving and healing multidimensional ancestral trauma. 

• Career transition and change. 

• Attracting financial miracles, transformation and financial healing based on healing core wounds, energetic mastery of prosperity and anchoring into physical abundance and flow. 

• Health and healing. Physical and body transformations, weight loss, body healing, trauma healing and radical self acceptance. 

• Shadow integration, healing and acceptance. Embodiment and Integration Practice

• Discernment Mastery

• Inner child work and healing.

• Sacred spiritual practice. Radical self acceptance practices.

• Power mastery & development, fully understanding and practicing healthy power dynamics and empowerment in all sorts of relationships. 

• Psychic development, spiritual development, and personal development.

• Ascension practice – raising your frequency, out vibrating problems (yes this is a real thing), inviting magnetic manifestations, relationships and circumstances into your life with ease.

• Effortless work and application of effort.

• Organizing your life and your business to support your desires and your integrity. Stop feeling like your feeding the chaos, always running around to meet everyone else’s needs, and left drained. 

• Effortless radical love and shadow integration to stop sabotaging your love, your success, your effort and your manifestations. 

• Effortless creative flow,  inspiration and imagination. Energy management & extraordinary self healing mastery. 

• Creating effort and movement with great power and direction from a place of balance and poise.

• Discovering inner balance no matter external chaos & circumstances.

• & More…

Through working together…

We’ll identify WHO YOU ARE both in your human experience and your soul mission, WHO YOU DESIRE TO BE  (your transformation) and THE SPACE IN BETWEEN— THE GAP.


We’ll discover what’s holding you back, how to heal it and how to bring you in alignment with the reality you desire—

in life, and in business.



What we’ll do together:

• Heal Trauma via Spiritual Practice, Energetic Healing & Reprogramming Beliefs

• Discover Your soul mission, soul purpose & begin to integrate it into your life

• Identify & Heal reoccurring identity & belief patterns holding you back

• Drastically increase your confidence

• Recondition old belief patters shifting them into beliefs and expectations that support you in your highest potential.

• Hold you accountable to your absolute best & help you embody your fullest potential— your most bad a** self.



If you’re in business & an entrepreneur we can also focus on…

• Authentic and conscious digital marketing promotion, funnels, offers, email marketing, & more.

• Social media marketing, creating a base for rapid thought leadership.

• Authentic branding and storytelling, crafting an engaging message.

• Video-first educational marketing strategies.

• and more.



We’ll use a multitude of healing modalities during our sessions, including some gifted to me personally from the Lords of the Akashic Records including:

  • Akashic Records Readings
  • Multidimensional healing
  • Healing Meditations
  • Transformational healing, alignment and acceleration
  • Identifying soul purpose/mission & contracts
  • Aligning your energetic potential with the expression of your physical reality.
  • Breathing & pranayama techniques
  • Light Downloads, Activations & Transmissions
  • Shadow work & deep shadow integration
  • Physical movement & integration
woke eye circle logo

Consider this your formal invitation to the…

High Performance 


A spiritual-first, high-performance coaching program

for high achievers & Entrepreneurs

In this progressive six month coaching container, we’ll accelerate your transformational healing to close the gap between who you are now and your ultimate potential and radiant expression of who you desire to become. 


We’ll work through who you are— tying it back to your soul essence and soul purpose, where you want to go and who you desire to be in your best, brightest expression. We’ll dive into & identify the gap in between where you are and where you’re going. 


Through this six month spiritual immersion, we’ll expose mental, emotional, spiritual and physical concepts holding you back, uncover the truth of why they’re happening, you’ll focus on healing the trauma and residual beliefs behind them and actively pursue monumental personal and spiritual growth and development. 


Depending on the day and the needs, I may bring in Pleiadian and Arcturian starseed light collectives, your Higher Self, the Akashic Records, Soul Family, Honorable Ancestors, Spirit Guides, the Force of Life, Arch Angels, Ascended Masters, and the Divine Mother (direct Source).



When You Sign Up to Work With Me You’ll Receive:


• Kick-off Akashic Records Deep Dive Session Transformation Intensive

• Bi-Weekly Zoom coaching calls (2/month)

• Weekly accountability through email

• Unlimited voice coaching through Voxer

• Active Feedback on internal guidance/self guidance



Learning How to Navigate Your Own Inner Guidance & Psychic Awareness:

For the weeks opposite the live calls, you’re going to set aside the same time and space we would for our call, but you’re going to gain your own guidance. I’ll train you to reach into your intuition, your Akashic Records, or psychic knowing and capabilities to train yourself to rely on your own inner guidance alongside spirit. You’ll create a plan of action for yourself for these weeks, and I’ll give you direct feedback on it, checking in with your higher guidance, and holding you accountable to becoming super clear on your own psychic knowing and internal guidance.


I struggled the most relying on others to tell me what to do, including spirit, coaches, and certain guides of mine in the past. But the key to being perfectly guided is interweaving God’s will (source/Universe), and yours together. Its about learning to navigate your own cosmic psychic awareness as well as your own internal guidance that stems from a healthy sense of self and self belief, but most people are frightened to exercise (also known as free will).



In culmination here’s what you’ll receive while we work together…

• Guidance from me. 

• Guidance from your guides through me. 

• Guidance from your guides through you. 

• Guidance through you. 


It’s perfectly balanced. 


This program is not about displacing your power and going to someone else (me or all your spiritual guides) to carry you and give you what you need. It’s a combination of…

1. Gaining guided direction through me and my ability to connect to your cosmic flow, higher self & honorable spirit guides.

2. It’s about you creating your own interdependence on your inner guidance, your experience your character and your inner wellspring of authentic expression through your free will. 


I’ll help you do both. We’ll work on both together. 


This is a six month private coaching package. Together we’re going to provide & create guidance and healing. Together we’ll reinforce your own guidance and healing from your own inner wellspring of insight, intention, experience and character. 


I want my clients to feel self sufficient after working with me. After working together you’ll have a great handle on your own way of navigating guidance, and transforming and changing your life simultaneously. I’m very proud of this work, it’s my life work and I’m so excited to help you access all of yourself.


This accelerator can be applied to personal brands & entrepreneurs in business as well including business and marketing coaching alongside spiritual development and direction.


In the application, there’s an area to choose if you’d like more “Life Coaching” support or “Personal Brand/Business & Marketing” support. 


• Both come with spiritual support. 

• Both have unlimited voice coaching on Voxer. 

• Both have the same guidance structure.


It just depends which you choose is where we will place the energy and emphasis of our calls together. 


Activate Your Highest Potential


Step 1:

Complete the application below.


Step 2:

I’ll be in touch via email. If it feels like a great fit,

I’ll invite you to reserve a 2.5 hour Akashic Records

deep dive transformational coaching session.

You’ll receive an email from: wearewokeaf [at]


This virtual intensive Akashic Records zoom session is offered as a one-time introductory rate of $2,495.


This virtual session is meant to align you to your greatest potential, clear what stands in the way of it, give you greater spiritual insight and clarity on your path, and offer an in-depth discovery of what it will be like to work with me ongoing.


We will leave approximately 20-30 minutes at the close of the session to discuss the Transformation Accelerator Program and any questions you may have about enrollment and working one-on-one with me.


If it seems like a great fit and you enjoy our deep dive session together, you’ll be invited to work with me in a deeper way. Depending on your needs, this will be a 6 or 12 month commitment container within the Transformation Accelerator Program.


Option 1: Pay in Full for 6 Months $35K

Option 2: 6 Month Payment Plan $40K

($10K upfront then $6,000 per month for 5 months.)


*12 month program commitment is also available including a bonus deep dive intensive and locked-in pricing for the year.

you’re ready to activate

your highest potential.

In working together…

We’ll focus 80% on the energetics, paired with 20% physical application, effort and physical practice.


When we work together, much of our attention will be on how you think, how you feel, and your soul experience to understand who you are, where you want to go, and what’s holding you back.


Then we apply radical healing, radical self acceptance, conscious awareness paired with physical activities and practical effort to move you forward in both simultaneous energetic/spiritual and physical alignment. This method is what I have practiced to gain incredible transformational results. 


As a note— I work very much in the Akashic Records. They are direct and clear, and very often through them and my own style of direct communication, I will tell you what you need to hear. Not necessarily what you want to hear. 


Very often people ask questions that are addressing a symptom rather than the root of an issue. We tackle the whole root and pull it out, release it and replace it with a beautiful seed of what you’re looking to create. Then its’ up to you to water and nurture that seed of awakening within yourself. I’ll help you cultivate this practice until people wonder how you’ve changed so much, and how you make it look so easy. 



The thing I’m told the most frequently about who I am and my work, is that…

I make extraordinary personal development work

look effortless and graceful. 


It doesn’t have to be hard. It will be challenging, but not hard. 

It will be confronting, but not dangerous. 

It will require effort, but not hustle. 

It requires GRACE: Consciousness, Acceptance, Allowance, Receiving and Alignment. 


My work is about committed self discovery, radical self healing and acceptance, and dedicated uncompromising commitment to who you desire to become. 



This work requires dedicated commitment from yourself. 


It’s not going to do itself, work itself, change itself. I can show up and assist you on your path, but if you don’t apply your own work, apply it to your life, do the healing work, be committed and take complete radical ownership over your own success, then you won’t see results.


The results come from your physical commitment and dedication to this process.


I’ll be here to hold space for you, to see all of you, believe in your and your potential, and in combination with your spiritual guidance, higher self and honorable guides— we’ll move through your most desirable transformation together. I’ll support you through your transition and hold space for your potential while you walk into it one day at a time. 


This is a process, results are not overnight. It will require your dedicated commitment and effort every day to see progress and transformation. 


These sessions are dedicated sacred containers. This work is sacred. It’s not a joke, its not here for you to “manifest a new car” or a new fast quick fix lover. That’s not what we do. We do RADICAL HEALING, RADICAL TRANSFORMATION together. That’s the space I hold for you, and the container in which we work together. Of course, you’re welcome to manifest your car and lovers along the way to the real life-changing transformation.


high performance coaching consulting marketing coaching los angeles life coaching los angeles spiritual coaching spiritual mentorship business mentor new york san francisco

High achievers, Spiritual rebels, entrepreneurs, pioneers,

personal brands, public figures, CEOs, thought leaders,

influencers, mavericks, career professionals, athletes.



You’re ready to break the mold and create a life and a world far better than they could have imagined. All with a love and dedication for personal development & an energetic, metaphysical/mystical approach.


Radical achievers & go getters that are led by Spirit & their own deep inner guidance. They’re on a mission to do good, to work and serve from a place of deep integrity, serving, expressing, and working on behalf of the highest good. They’re looking to bring all of themselves to life & business— to be fully & perfectly expressive in this physical reality in every way.



We’ll discover what’s holding you back, how to heal it and how to bring you in alignment with the reality you desire—

in life, and in business.




• Been feeling stuck like there’s something you’re missing in creating your most fulfilled, vibrant and expressive life. 


• Been feeling like you have tremendous success in one or two areas of your life, but the rest are barren or just not up to your standard of excellence and the high potential you know and have come to expect from yourself. 


• You’ve been “manifesting” certain deep results or changes in your life and just haven’t hit them or achieved them yet. 


• You know energy always creates before the physical and you’re looking to understand your own energetic standards, contracts, engagements and agreements, to heal and bring your energetic potential in alignment with our physical expression— yielding your desired physical results.


• You understand and wildly appreciate accountability knowing that the space I hold for you will accelerate your own results, and hold you accountable to your process to achieve them. 


• You’ve been looking for someone to wildly hold space for your highest potential, alongside your spiritual guidance, higher self, teachers, masters, honorable ancestors and spirit guides. 


• You know that energetic alignment alongside physical skill can create miracles. And you’re looking to be in effortless flow about how you create and live your life, and manifest your physical reality. 


• You’re looking to bring your business into alignment with yourself, your values, your energy and your higher spiritual mission. 


• You have reoccurring patterns in your life, situations that you’re not happy with and can’t figure out why they keep showing up, attracting chaos and uncertainty into your life.


• You want the most out of your life in every area. You want to live at your highest potential, activate your own very human “super powers”, discover your zone of genius at your core essence and move forward creating a life that unfolds to bring out your absolute best.


• You’re looking for a BIG CHANGE! A big transformation! Whether it’s clearing space to create a career change, life transition, calling in your perfect soul mate lover, up-leveling your financial flow and yearly income, embracing your health and creating a body you love, creating extraordinary mental clarity, developing your psychic senses,  & more. 



I’ve had multiple sessions with Emelina, but I will never forget the first one. Emelina helped me shift my perspective about romantic relationships, upgraded my [energetic] operating system and within 30-days I met my life partner. I had been single for 12 years, but our work together both provided the clearing and acceleration for my relationship to land in my life very quickly.

– Bri S.

“Emelina empowered me to live unapologetically as my true, kick-ass self, and to open up to receive all of the support and opportunities that are right in front of me, that I didn’t even see. The tangible results are an increase in my salary, my power, and my joy. Wow, wow, wow! What an incredible transformation in one session. The weight of the world has been lifted from my shoulders. Your work translates into instant change. You are a rock star!!! Thank you, Emelina!!!”

– Meg B.

“Experiencing Emelina’s Akashic records work was exactly what I needed. I was feeling stressed out with some decisions in my business and wanted to be intentional with the direction I was growing it in. Emelina tapped into my Akashic Records and helped me feel peace AND gave me practical next steps that feel so in alignment that I’m glowing!!! Her work is truly bringing the 5D into 3D application which is so needed. So grateful and the insights that came through has made me feel more confident about taking my business to $100k+ months.”

– Amanda R.

“Emelina is an Instagram genius. The insights she gave us were thoughtful, strategic and perfectly tailored to us and our audience — and best of all, all her suggestions were straightforward and relatively simple to implement. We’re already seeing BIG acceleration in our growth and can’t wait to see where we’re at in a few months once we’ve had a chance to implement all her strategies.”

– Suzy Batiz

(Founder of Poo~Pourri)

“Emelina’s ability to direct both creative, social, and marketing campaigns is integrative and thorough. She innately understood our needs and the client’s desires without much prompt or guidance. Emelina is an integral aspect to the success of our brand partnerships team. I highly recommend her.”

– Collette S. 

(Fox Broadcasting)

My reading provided guidance on how to explore the energy fields I was connecting to through my daily meditation practice. The downloads can be overwhelming and confusing but Emelina provided a framework in which to safely explore what the universe was sharing with me. So amazing and just so grateful to have been able to tap into her gift. Look forward to connecting with her again in the future…thank you!

– KIM W.

“Working with Emelina was uplifting! Emelina provided much clarity for my very challenging situation and left me with guidance and feeling empowered. I really appreciated the email of the session summary with examples of practical practices I can do to help myself and ease my transition. Emelina is open minded, light, loving and compassionate spirit. She is connecting us with a higher vibrational realm. Thank you for all your amazing and much needed work Emelina!”

– Lana D. 

“I’ve seen so many psychic channels, people on Youtube that I love. And I didn’t even think to hesitate— the one I wanted to work with was Emelina. I just have to share how excited and elated I am —I loved her work with me. It was so helpful, so insightful and joyful and she really gets down to the nitty gritty details and clearing what was holding me back.

I can’t say enough how much I loved it. If anyone has the opportunity to work with her please do — she will change your life. I’m so excited to see what positive things are about to happen to me after working with her because we changed that much. I just want people to reach out. Reach out to Emelina to see what can happen in your life, to access who you are and the possibilities that exist for you. Thank you so much!!”


“I hired Emelina to help build out a marketing funnel for my business. Emelina made the process so easy for me. I was effectively able to build my funnel, have the entire course, email marketing sequence and everything done in under a month. All while running my business and traveling. She made it so easy and so aligned for me to finally have a funnel in my business. Emelina I am so incredibly grateful for you. I’m so blown away by your skills and your talent and I am so happy that I invested in working with you to help get this next expansion point in my business off the ground.”

– Bri Seeley

(Top Ranked Entrepreneur Coach on Google)



Activate Your Highest Potential


Step 1:

Complete the application below.


Step 2:

I’ll be in touch via email. If it feels like a great fit,

I’ll invite you to reserve a 2.5 hour Akashic Records

deep dive transformational coaching session.

You’ll receive an email from: wearewokeaf [at]


This virtual intensive Akashic Records zoom session is offered as a one-time introductory rate of $2,495.


This virtual session is meant to align you to your greatest potential, clear what stands in the way of it, give you greater spiritual insight and clarity on your path, and offer an in-depth discovery of what it will be like to work with me ongoing.


We will leave approximately 20-30 minutes at the close of the session to discuss the Transformation Accelerator Program and any questions you may have about enrollment and working one-on-one with me.


If it seems like a great fit and you enjoy our deep dive session together, you’ll be invited to work with me in a deeper way. Depending on your needs, this will be a 6 or 12 month commitment container within the Transformation Accelerator Program.


Option 1: Pay in Full for 6 Months $35K


Option 2: 6 Month Payment Plan $40K

($10K upfront then $6,000 per month for 5 months.)


*12 month program commitment is also available including a bonus deep dive intensive and locked-in pricing for the year.

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You’re Ready to Transform into

the Next-Level YOU.


©2024 i am woke, inc. | Stormie Emelina Calder