Transform your relationship with money

& financial health—from severe limitation

to unstoppable prosperity.


The truth is, that money is Divine.


MONEY… is the original “source coding.”

It’s free-flowing creation energy.

It’s pure, positive, flowing potential ready for expression.


It’s the portal to your own personal opulence and paradise living.


Should you choose to engage in the activation of living in alignment with money— it opens up the SACRED KEYS to your CREATION POWER.


It is a PORTAL to your SACRED POWER.


Money is a sacred entity and energy that works with, interacts with, and participates with you both consciously and subconsciously.


The truth is that you’ve been sold a great lie.


That lie is that money is a scarce resource.


That money is fed to you only when you’re a “good little boy/girl”.


That it’s conditional in its apparition.


You’ve been taught to trust appearances over energy, lack over prosperity and negative expression over the original source coding of wholeness. 





The truth is… Money is trying to flow to you.

It’s ever expansive as a playful and elegant energy that wants to create *with you*!


Let’s work together to program that energy to WORK *FOR* YOUR GOOD!

And stop working against you.


If you want to transform your relationship with real world finances, you’ll have to cure yourself of the spiritual disease that creates scarcity like a virus. 


Any issues we encounter daily with money are indication of a larger overarching spiritual disease.


There is no difference between money and the Divine.


We create a “difference” between money and spiritual energy as humans.


That separation creates & unfolds our relationship with money.


That relationship is either born from love

(safety, reliability & familiarity) or separation (fear & scarcity).


Now, let’s rewire your consciousness to actually believe that as the core fundamental truth.

Money Recoded is a sacred program.

Dedicated to opening up the sacred seed of money in your subconscious mind


This program is a dedicated channeled Divine “work”.


>> Intention 1: Resolve any spiritual or energetic incongruencies with money as a healthy vessel of creation and prosperity.


>> Intention 2: Harness the money codes (spiritual/energetic light body transmissions around money) to transform any spiritual disease into spiritual prosperity.



From the void…

Money came into being as a benevolent & powerful force.


Like anything, that force has both a light and shadow archetype.


I’ll help you connect acknowledging the shadow, and dance the line between the light and the dark to find your own personal authentic value and confidence in how you participate with the energy of bringing the vision of your dreams into physical reality using money as the vessel to your personal wellness


Stormie (Emelina) will channel and activate your benevolent higher-mind mind to recode your highly valuable and infinitely expansive relationship with money.


This work is a deeply activating energy medicine.

You will leave changed, in the best of ways.

We’re reprogramming your energy and consciousness to express the light aspects of money consciousness.

Through the course of an 8-week deep Shamanic journey,

I will take you through time and space to

Change, heal & expand your personal & energetic relationship with money.

I will take you by the hand through the darkness of what was programmed into the collective subconscious mind. We will focus on releasing the wounds and the hooks that keep you stuck in old, archaic and outdated financial energy patterns. 


We will bring your attention and alignment to creating a fruitful relationship with the ENERGY OF MONEY as a fluid relationship energy that you work with in collaboration.


This is dedicated to resolving the inner conflict within the little inner girl or inner boy in your heart who is terrified of understanding their true inherent value and self worth. That all manifests in your relationship with money.


We will focus on recoding the inner child’s relationship to form, creation, exchange and value to increase your baseline experience around money being— PLAYFUL, JOYFUL & SAFE.


The inner child holds the keys to how safe you feel with money. 

—Safety creating it, keeping it, growing it, playing with it, investing it, sharing it in plenty, & more.


You will leave this program with—

đź’µ An impression of increase.

đź’µ Feeling more safe with money & the energy of attracting money.

đź’µ Developing a secure relationship with money (instead of an insecure relationship attachment with money).

đź’µ Releasing attachments to money wounds, abandonment, or neglect around the energy of money.

💵 Activating your core beliefs in your value, understanding that you are worthy of more than you’ve been asking for.

đź’µ Preparing your body as a sacred vessel to receive more wealth, which is more power and energy. 

đź’µ A concrete understanding of what has been sabotaging you and a pattern to release these programs as you working with money consciously.

đź’µ A new understanding of the high value you hold and how worthy and deserving you are of financial prosperity.

Money is a sacred Source-energy and personality (entity) that I channel to deliver these messages. 


This is a spiritually divined/channeled program.

A shamanic healing, kundalini energy activation.


I will be channeling Spirit/Source consciousness to download the healing energy, light codes, consciousness and awareness of MONEY as a SPIRITUAL ENERGY that we can work with to CREATE the life of our dreams.


This is a sacred exchange of my kundalini energy in collaboration with the spirit of high vibrational money & Source/Spirit to deliver a sacred recoding to you.


This content is channeled originally by me, and cannot be channeled or accessed anywhere else. 🙂


We’ll be working with “money” as the vessel to your “spiritual enlightenment”

(awakening to your value and how you manifest that value).


Keys to Attracting Money that We’ll Be Covering in Detail…


Money is…

>> Sacred.

>> A vessel for Source to flow to and with you in exchange with the world from love. 

>> Your collaborative life partner ready to meet you in every way.

>> Beautiful, invigorating, glowing & high vibrational.


Money is not…

>> Your God.

>> A Devil. 

>> Something to hoard or hide away.

>> Something to beg or plead for.

>> Something to steal. 

>> Something to fear.

>> Your enemy.

What You Can Expect in the 8 Week Live Program…

— 8 weeks of spiritually channeled educational content to heal your relationship with money.

— Each module will be recorded live weekly for approx. 1.5-2.5 hours with Stormie (Emelina).

— During the program there will be live Q&A available with Stormie (Emelina) at the close of each session.

— You’ll receive lifetime access to the program on enrollment to watch repeatedly at your leisure.

— Weekly guided meditations/shamanic energy activations to heal & transform your energy surrounding the energy of money.

— Personal reflections & teaching from Stormie/Emelina speaking as her human self in reflection to the channeled content to help ground the content into the human experience.

— Online dashboard/portal access to watch from your phone or computer


Program Live Dates:

TBD— starting around November 1st through December (8 weeks)

[Dates announced shortly.]

All content will also be recorded & uploaded into the student portal for you to watch on your time.


We’ll Dive Deep Into…

đź’µ A mindful approach to helping you to recode your ideas of money and wealth and what it means to be in health with your energy around money

đź’µ An offer of exchange in the value of how you see wellness (ideas and concepts to marinate with, meditate with and integrate). These are sacred ideas and energy.

đź’µ An exchange of wisdom and channeled activations to reconnect you to the highest vibration of the sacred energy of money.

đź’µ Money is spiritual. Discovering the inherent value of money and your own personal value will allow you to exchange money in  the real world in a way that increases your value with every move. When you increase your personal value, you perform great acts of service to Source & all who encounter you. That is the place from which money flows as a creative force.

đź’µ An infusion of concepts, ideas and energy to rewire your conscious and subconscious mind to step into love and sacred exchange with money.

Your relationship with money has everything to do with…


đź’µ How you see and perceive value & what is valuable to you & others.

đź’µ How you see and perceive YOUR inherent value & how you attract that towards you.

đź’µ Your understanding of sacred energy exchange. 

đź’µ How attuned to and synchronized you are with your soul energy.

đź’µ Whether you are leaking your power to those who steal your sacred energy (makes it *very difficult* to attract more money in a healthy way).

đź’µ Your personal kundalini activation & your relationship to how you CREATE & COMMAND your life into practicality/reality.

đź’µ How you pursue your dreams and your spiritual purpose.

đź’µ Your relationship with love and partnership.

đź’µ Your understanding of time and investment at the level of love, energy, vitality, resource and ecstasy. Also known as: time, love, attention, affection.

đź’µ Your personal relationship with money & the motivations (energy) from which you manifest money. That dictates the sort of chaos or ecstacy you experience with money. It’s a *relationship*.



I’m beyond excited to facilitate this experience with you.

Let’s enjoy the relational healing with money together 🙂



When you enroll, get access to two additional programs…

• Money Activation Ceremony Mini Course

($297 value)

• I AM SUCCESS Guided Meditations ($97 value)

Hi! I am Stormie.

(AKA. Emelina)

Consciousness Expert, High Performance Coach,

Shaman, Psychic Medium & Energy Healer.


I help people become the most powerful version of themselves by expanding consciousness, healing trauma, reprogramming their beliefs into alignment with who they desire to become, & intentionally designing & stepping into their highest potential IRL.


I created this program as an antidote to help you connect to the SACRED, loving and magical personality of money consciousness. Money and power are often seen as “not spiritual” so many amazing spiritual people either neglect it, abuse it, or just hide their relationships with money.


I’m here to change that.


I want you to see money as a fun, creative

and spiritual expression of YOU.


Money is sacred.

Money is spiritual.

Money is the vessel through which you create an incredible life where you are able to express yourself fully.


I want you to ENJOY MONEY, attract way more money than you need, play with money, and express yourself spiritually and creatively… using money as the vessel and metric to see what you can create for yourself!


I’ve been reprogramming my personal wealth consciousness for over a decade. Learning how to make money in a sacred way, creating six+ figure income as a self-made female entrepreneur, and transforming poverty consciousness into prosperity.


Now, I’m beyond excited to share what I’ve learned, and to channel the sacred money personality that my Spirit Guides have asked me to share.

This is potent material!


— XO —




🏦 Money Code No.1


Wealth Recoded: You Are the Sacred Vessel


This module will focus on generating the inherent belief necessary to change your current reality to one of financial prosperity. We will focus on releasing all spiritual limitations, dark codes and energetic implants that have held back you and your lineage from accessing the wisdom and insights to lead you to creating your legacy of wealth.


You’ll Discover…

đź’° Your inherent value and how to identify and increase that value energetically


đź’° A prosperity mantra that allows you to receive money from the place of safety


đź’° A way to tap into the matrix of the hell that came before you and convert the energy into free flowing financial prosperity

🏦 Money Code No.2


Prosperity Unlocked:

Healing Your Relationship with God & Money


This module is focused on healing your relationship with the giving exchange of sacred provision. God/The Divine is your financier: not your job, not your clients, not the market or the economy, and not your partner. You are not a slave to fate. You are a creative being with the ability to access everything you need when you need it. We will free you from the idea that you cannot change your fate. You will unlock the lucky and healing energetics of money as an alive creative force— into your life as a pleasant paradise.


You’ll Discover…

đź’° Why God/The Divine holds money in high esteem.


💰 What the secrets of the most wealthy people don’t share because they want you to dream more than activate the wealth within you.


đź’° What fears surround and block your heart that prevent money from easily flow to you.


đź’° Your authentic high vibrational value. You are already wealthy. This will be activated within your cellular memory multidimensionally.

🏦 Money Code No.3


The Money Code:

Step into the Unknown & Trade Your

Previous Beliefs for Financial Prosperity


In this module you will learn precisely what it is to give value to what you deserve and eliminate the energies of people, places, and things that are not of high service nor of high value to you. Your kundalini energy thrives off of energy exchange and value. When this is imbalanced within you— there is nothing to exchange and thus, your financial prosperity becomes scarce when it is in actuality constantly flowing to you.


You’ll Discover…

đź’° Why your subconscious mind is keeping you locked into a cage with scarcity. Discover the method of belief that will scare away any mentality that feels fearful. Step into a new belief system that comes into fruitful connection with money.


đź’° How to perceive the truth of your reality— money is absolutely not scarce and this one trick will open up your hard earned effort and allow money to find you & stuff itself into your wallet and your bank account.


💰 Track your ability to create your dreams and visions into physical reality using money as the vessel of evidence to truly see what you’re capable of.

🏦 Money Code No.4


Money is Your Mother:

Understanding the Sacred Dynamics of Being Provided For


This module will help you to align your value and your beliefs with the concrete value you offer into this world. The truth is you were provided for in a sacred way when you were born. Now you’ll learn how to tap into that sacred flow of money and energy exchange to feel supported by money and financial energy in a way that makes your inner child feel safe and provided for.


You’ll Discover…

đź’° What it is to live and let live. Expect the natural flow of money to return to you. Let go of constant worry and concern around money.


đź’° Bring the sacred art of sex, freedom & power into your money manifestations.


đź’° Unlocking your sensual and practical experiences with money energetically as a method deeply fulfilling creative expression.

🏦 Money Code No.5


Money is Your Twin Flame:

Embrace Inner Union with Money


In this module, you will step into sacred alignment with your higher soul, activating money as the vessel through which your kundalini (sacred inner flame) is able to merge with your higher soul. The twin flame journey is an activation to withhold your high value and see and perceive that soul value in a very practical and physical way— a finite physical expression and reflection. This module will focus on your relationship with YOU and your higher aspects. Money becomes the vessel through which you are able to reflect and perceive your highest creative expression, your soul; moving through you into physical form activating the sacred energy of money to give you evidence of your spirituality.


You’ll Discover…

đź’° How to activate the energy of money without sacrificing your authenticity, your spiritual integrity or your soul.


đź’° Activating your sexual energy, your spiritual energy and your power simultaneously in collaboration with the sacred entity of money.


đź’° Money is your chosen sacred vessel of creation. Discover how to treat that vessel with the dignity and respect it deserves and watch it go out of its way to accommodate you, come back to you and never leave you.

🏦 Money Code No.6


Sex and Money are the Same:

Merging Sexual Integrity & Financial Prosperity


Money is a relationship cultivated through love, trust, creative expression and sexuality. 


In this module, we’ll focus on your sacred energy exchange & intimacy with yourself and others. Sex and money are two sides of the same coin of sacred energy. Any poverty stricken energy is a lack of consistency in your sacred & safe sexual energy & creative expression. 


We’ll explore the dynamics of restoring your understanding of your own personal wealth codes through unlocking the value of your sexual energy. This is sacred kundalini work, not to be confused with sexual alchemy in the bedroom. This energy has everything to do with understanding your raw creative power, harnessing it and understanding how to exchange it. Sacred money exchange and spiritual wealth is built from healthy sexual energy with the self and the Divine. Without it, and you’ll struggle endlessly no matter how much money you make you’ll continue feast or famine cycles. It’s time to heal your relationship with your power so you can sustain the power of money in your bank accounts.


You’ll Discover…

đź’° How to harness your personal raw power both in shadow and light.


💰 Refine that power and understand it’s value.


đź’° Determine which energies, people, and creative projects are worth your sacred energy alchemy and investment.


đź’° Carry the sacred torch of money with you every day and at all times, so you never lose access to the energy and personality of money that is in highest support of you.

🏦 Money Code No.7


Rest & Success: Money Needs Space to Play


In this module we’ll focus on creating space to offer money a place to expand and play with us and our life force energy. Money is both sacred and wildly playful and explorative. We’ll practice bringing in a flow of rest and space to allow money to come to us, rather than having to chase it down. Money is an energy that likes freedom & expression. We’ll focus on cultivating that sense of safety and freedom for the energy of money to come back to us again and again, and to look forward to growing for us and with us in new ways.


You’ll Discover…

đź’° The sacred act of play. Money is not your enemy. Stop hunting it down, chasing it and placing it in cages (your bank accounts) where you restrict access to its ability to play.


đź’° Harness the wild and raw nature of money and give it a reason to expand in your life energetically, emotionally, spiritually and physically.


đź’° How to temper the wounds that you have around thinking money has to be counted like a miser. Feel free with money, and money will flow to you freely and consistently.

🏦 Money Code No.8


The Money Seed:

Stop Waiting for Something to Save You &

Unlock Your Creative Power to Create More Money.


Why separate money from the Divine? When money is treated with fear— the entity of money becomes scared and prepares to hurt you. All out of fear being hurt itself. Your relationship with source and your inner child is your relationship with money. We’ll merge the divide connecting the dots between what it is to create the life of your dreams and reject the idea that it has to be “hard”. Rather than waiting for someone, something or anything to “save you” from financial disease, you’ll harness the relationship with Source to create a new reality with money every day from the place of active, consistent and reliable participation.


You’ll Discover…

đź’° The spiritual disease that has been restricting your finances quite literally.


đź’° How to negate any negative beliefs other people send to you around money. Reject their ideas, criticisms or evil eye and create a sacred protection energy around every dollar that flows to and from you giving you complete spiritual control of your financial power. 


💰 Become a powerful creator of wealthy and prosperous ideas, creativity and never give fear another change to survive around your ideas of what’s possible financially for you.


💰 Release restriction and embrace faith and trust in the divine, based on evidence you’ll create as reference points to your faith.

You are a powerful creator. 


Now you’ll learn how to harness that spiritual power and channel it into your bank account and everything you do.


Money is always surrounding you, looking to flow to and from you.

Step into the sacred ,divine financial exchange.

You’ll change your relationship with money— forever. 






“What a delightful and profound pleasure for me to reflect on the extraordinary gifts that Emelina brings to coaching sessions. I’ve been deeply involved with personal growth facilitators at the highest levels for decades, and Emelina holds her own against any of those heavy hitters.


She listens with soul-level depth and ease and sweetness and gentleness. I’ve shared even the most gnarled memories and shadowy challenges with her, and felt every single one held with her sturdy, kind hands. She’s held space for me with an infinite knowing that reminded me again, that my journey from the inside can seem so damn daunting and broken, while the broader reality is that it’s all just a part of this magnificent human experience. And after time with Emelina, after she’s held that space for you, it’s easy to see that your life is quite perfect, exactly the way it is.


If you’re considering hiring her for anything, DO IT NOW. Step forward and receive the gift of her exceedingly rare attention, her dedication to YOU, and her starlight focus – it’s the very thing your innermost voice has been yearning for. It’s time to work with her and ease your way through to your next level of goodness.”



(Hollywood Screenwriter)



I’ve had multiple sessions with Emelina, but I will never forget the first one. Emelina helped me shift my perspective about romantic relationships, upgraded my [energetic] operating system and within 30-days I met my life partner. I had been single for 12 years, but our work together both provided the clearing and acceleration for my relationship to land in my life very quickly.



(Entrepreneur & Success Coach)




“Emelina empowered me to live unapologetically as my true, kick-ass self, and to open up to receive all of the support and opportunities that are right in front of me, that I didn’t even see. The tangible results are an increase in my salary, my power, and my joy. Wow, wow, wow! What an incredible transformation in one session. The weight of the world has been lifted from my shoulders. Your work translates into instant change. You are a rock star!!! Thank you, Emelina!!!”


– Meg Barbour

(Branding Strategist)




“Emelina and I worked together for over a year. I initially hired her for help in growing my business but learned quickly that there was a lot of foundational healing work for me to do to allow me to grow and expand in the ways that I wanted. I learned so much about myself in that time and now I have an excellent foundation for my life and business.  


Emelina helped me to shift from believing that work and making money has to be hard to understanding that my work gets to be playful.  She helped me to expand my vision of what’s possible for me.  Emelina helped me to see my business in the context of being unique to me, that I get to build it how I want to rather than how other people have built their business has been really helpful.


I’d say one of the most pivotal moments in our coaching together was how she helped me to put my emergency open heart surgery into the context of getting an upgrade [spiritually/energetically]. That helped me to shift from the idea of the event as a trauma to the event as something helpful to my future.


I’m Amanda Ryan-Fear and I help high-achieving women build the inner confidence to match their outer achievements so they can have the kind of impact on the world that they desire.”



(Women’s Empowerment Coach)




“My Akashic Records session with Emelina was so wonderful and so timely. She is the only channeler I’ve enjoyed working with. This is because, not only is she so gifted in communicating with the spirit realm, Akashic Records, and other collectives but she is very empathetic and understanding as a human being.


She took the time to listen to me properly and take my opinions, thoughts and state of being into account. And based on that she gave me guidance from my records and guides, interpreting it in the best way possible with her own wisdom and great communication. That made it feel like a very friendly coaching and guidance session. I guess I was unimpressed with my past experiences with other channelers because they did not quite display the same human empathy or ability to listen to relate.


She cleared so much energy for me in the one session, and gave me some great pointers which I refer back to. I could feel a lot of energy clearing being processed by me for a week after the session.


I’m very thankful for having done the in person session with her and I know it served me in the best possible way. She is the kind of channeler and coach that one needs in times they’re looking for guidance, be it from the universe or from a human being. I hope her tribe grows. Thanks much Emelina!”





“My Akashic records session with Emelina was truly a life changing event. Emelina is one of the most gifted and loving channels I’ve ever met! I really appreciated her emphasis on creating a safe space and container during our session and while being in the Akashic records. Emelina was able to connect with my guides and confirm and clarify the things I had been asking about.


Her ability to see clearly in the Spirit realm and follow divine guidance every step of the way resulted in me being freed from energetic attachments that no longer serve my highest timeline. The results of empowerment and peace were immediately apparent after our session, and following the guidance channeled through Emelina has allowed me to integrate this cellular energetic upgrade with much more ease than I’ve been able to in the past. 


I think something I appreciated most was that she left me with tools and instructions channeled from source to further my healing journey. It was very empowering and it shows how genuinely dedicated to helping others she is.


I really cannot say enough about Emelina’s gifts and how the divine guidance and healing I received during our session is positively impacting my life and my family. If you are in need of real Divine guidance that is channeled safely through Source, I highly recommend working with Emelina!”






“My reading provided guidance on how to explore the energy fields I was connecting to through my daily meditation practice. The downloads can be overwhelming and confusing but Emelina provided a framework in which to safely explore what the universe was sharing with me. So amazing and just so grateful to have been able to tap into her gift. Look forward to connecting with her again in the future…thank you!”


– KIM W.




“I’ve seen so many psychic channels, people on Youtube that I love. And I didn’t even think to hesitate— the one I wanted to work with was Emelina. I just have to share how excited and elated I am —I loved her work with me. It was so helpful, so insightful and joyful and she really gets down to the nitty gritty details and clearing what was holding me back.
I can’t say enough how much I loved it. If anyone has the opportunity to work with her please do — she will change your life. I’m so excited to see what positive things are about to happen to me after working with her because we changed that much. I just want people to reach out. Reach out to Emelina to see what can happen in your life, to access who you are and the possibilities that exist for you. Thank you so much!!”





“Experiencing Emelina’s Akashic records work was exactly what I needed. I was feeling stressed out with some decisions in my business and wanted to be intentional with the direction I was growing it in. Emelina tapped into my Akashic Records and helped me feel peace AND gave me practical next steps that feel so in alignment that I’m glowing!!! Her work is truly bringing the 5D into 3D application which is so needed. So grateful and the insights that came through has made me feel more confident about taking my business to $100k+ months.”



(Marketing Agency Owner)



“As 24-25 year young man/DM who arguably jumped 2-4 timelines maybe more from 16-25 on my own. Also made many loops around in what my belief was whether I did or didn’t and into what exactly. I’m firm in my belief without doubt now. If at some point cracks begin to show maybe you realize you’re erupting from a cocoon or that you’re stuck in one to begin with. Hints and nudges start pushing you to the edge and you realize ENOUGH find what is truly you or you’re standing on the wrong mountain or your hill isn’t even close to the mountain you’re capable of being King/Queen of.


Welcome to your marathon trainer; Emelina and guides will help you open the eye or wipe the crust from the long nap we’ve all been in and how to keep from drying in the whirlwind. If you’re ready to become the practitioner of the “new” you, so many doors, emotions, questions to explore that you may not have remembered or knew you were capable of.


This if never before is your confirmation to play the fool, push into the inquisitive mind since you’ve came this far, give it a try, but really try, and you’ll have new eyes. YEEEESSSS!”






“If you’ve been feeling moved to work with Emelina, PLEASE DO IT! She is such a beautiful soul and so full of light. What you see in her YouTube videos is exactly what you get. She shows up as the smiling beauty so full of energy and wisdom just as you see her on YT .


She will hold space for you in any way you and Spirit need. She will listen, and she will give you encouragement but what is even more amazing is her connection with Spirit, your guides and ancestors, your Akashic Record Lords, and YOUR soul tribe.


I came in thinking I was going to just sit and listen to what my guides had to say. But instead, I ended up talking to her about SO many things from my life, things that I’ve never discussed with anyone. There was NO judgment, only love, and reassurance that I was exactly where I needed to be. The reason several things had been coming up in my memory and things that brought me shame and judgment of myself were being brought up so that with the help of Emelina and Spirit they could all be cleared and healed!!!


Each session I walked away feeling so empowered and loved. My time with her has allowed me to feel so much more positive and excited about where my spiritual journey is taking me. I feel like I’ve known her for years and I can’t wait to work with her again in the future. Seriously, JUST DO IT!!!” 





Transform your relationship with money

& financial health—from severe limitation

to unstoppable prosperity.


If you want to enroll but find the investment as a reach— place your hands on your heart and say this financial prayer invocation with deep intention in your heart. 


Source/Great Spirit (God/Creator/Universe/Highest Guides/Honorable Ancestors), please help me to see the way forward. Help me to be in a state of receiving. Help me to release any resistance to receiving that which I most desire. Help me to see the opportunity present in this now moment and the next steps to move forward with this program. I demand immediate Divine financial compensation to bring me into practical alignment with this financial investment. Help me to immediately discover the resources I need to enroll, and to trust myself and my decisions fully. I expect to be brought into immediate alignment with this offer and my decision to enroll in a way that is easy, effortless and in my highest good. And so it is.


If you want additional reinforcement (me holding space for your intentional enrollmen t)… Email me personally and let me know your full name and your intention to enroll by when and I’ll hold it in sacred prayer on my alter with my guides for you <3


Email: [email protected]



A: This is a digital course and online program. During the live recording period (8 weeks) the sessions will be conducted live weekly. You are welcome and encouraged to come to the weekly lived sessions! Afterwards, each weekly recording will be added into the online course student dashboard for the program MONEY RECODED for you to watch on your time an leisure.



A: Yes. You will receive lifetime access to the Money Recoded curriculum program that is delivered online.



A: After enrollment, you’ll be directed to the page to sign up for an online account to access the content. I’ll also email you with details to create an account to access the digital course. You’ll receive an email from: wearewokeaf @ or hi @ You’ll gain access to the entire program from logging into a course dashboard online.




A: Yes! You’ll find a payment plan available in the cart link when you click to enroll!




A: That’s okay! You don’t need experience in doing energy work or even “effectively” meditating to gain the benefits of this program. The material is intentionally designed to meet you where you are, no matter your experience level. The guided meditations will work on upgrading your energy body/system no matter your experience working in this subtle realm.




A: No, I don’t offer refunds. I believe in your confidence and self belief in your intentional enrollment. Your commitment will create the way for your personal and spiritual development— your transformation. Without the deep sacred commitment, there is no transformation.


When you make the choice to enroll, decide that this can be and will be the best investment for you and it will be. Ask to be divinely led. Trust your heart, and your decision to enroll intentionally and decide that it will work for you— as it is intentionally designed & channeled to do so.


I am happy to answer any questions you may have and discuss if this is a right fit for you and your development and journey at this time. Please feel free to email me at wearewokeaf [at]




A: Ultimately, yes. However, it’s important that you embody your own work.


Embody the practices, make them yours and share what you feel called to share. If you choose to use specific practices from this album/program that I have intentionally channeled and shared, please give me credit as the original source. For any other questions on best practice and what you can share, please email me for permission guidelines at wearewokeaf @




A: You are in charge of yourself, your commitment, your dedication and practice and your own results. To gain long term healing & results you will need to apply this methodology (among anything else you are guided to in your experience of healing) as an active practice and apply it to every area of your life and do the work. Take radical responsibility and ownership over your experience. This work will meet you where you are. Be determined to create your own results and you’ll gain precisely what you need.


I cannot control you, and what you choose to do or not do, or learn or not learn. No results are guaranteed or implied.




A: Coaching & teaching curriculum is not a substitute for medical attention or therapy, and does not claim to be. This is an educational & coaching program to facilitate your own self-development and empowerment. You acknowledge that the nature of the program is that of entertainment. 


Transform your relationship with money

& financial health—from severe limitation

to unstoppable prosperity.

©2024 i am woke, inc. | wearewokeaf [at] hi [at] | Stormie (Emelina) Calder