*Image is a mock-up of the style of the Oracle Card Deck that is in-progress. Be a part of the process of creating this beauty into this world!

SACRED PRAYERS™ is an Oracle Deck

being created by Emelina Calder. 

Enroll in the waitlist to know when pre-launch opens!

The pre-launch will include:

– Access to a private community to see updates as Emelina designs and creates the new oracle card deck


– Become part of the process & see behind-the-scenes of creating the deck!


– Get exclusive updates, and videos on prayers & how to use the prayers channeled through my Spirit guides to understand and call upon your own intuition and your own intuitive guidance!


– Access to a mini course explaining the prayer cards (will be updated in the community portal as I work on the deck during the prelaunch period).


– Shipping of the deck to you when it’s print ready!

Hi! I am Emelina.

Spiritual mentor, modern shaman, high performance life coach and personal branding coach.


Here to help you magnetize your highest timelines & step into your highest potential in real life.


As a psychic medium, spiritual channel and modern shaman— I channel Source consciousness to clear and heal the programming that is running your current reality. Moving and clearing anything standing in the way of your highest states of personal creative expression.


I’m excited to bring to you this oracle card deck! It has been channeled via Source & my spirit guides as sacred prayers to help you tap into your own wellspring of inner guidance. 

©2024 i am woke, inc. | wearewokeaf [at] gmail.com hi [at] iamwoke.co |Emelina Calder